Do you notice that in certain situations you have a given reaction that you just can’t change?
Some people will do anything to avoid conflict, even allowing their own feelings or rights to be quashed or ignored in order to avoid upsetting the apple cart. Many people notice they attract the same types of relationships and can’t work out why. Others seem to sabotage their own actions or desires for change, working really hard towards a goal and then throwing it away by an action or inaction, often knowingly or for no apparent reason and then having to start again. Emotional eating is a pattern of destructive behaviour also known as self-sabotage, especially for someone trying to lose weight or improve their health and fitness. Other times similar things keep occurring that seem to be unrelated but when viewed together are the same. Things like a series of car accidents or something where the outcome is the same but the mode of delivery may differ.
Sometimes we can’t figure out why it is that we do what we do, but we need to look deeper.
All of these are examples of what is called cycles of similarity. To understand this a bit more it helps to know about time.
Actions and reactions affect us like a pendulum we swing from action to reaction and once this is set into play it keeps swinging. How does that look? A partner makes a comment about something we are working on. We react emotionally in that moment of time. Action-Reaction. Picture this pendulum, swinging from left to right. It is stuck in time, meaning it has build up this momentum of swinging therefore, it cannot change direction of its own accord, the pattern is set. A reaction is still a reaction even if we don’t outwardly express it and even if we think about it later and decide to let it go, because later is a different moment in time.
Time is not linear as we tend to perceive it. It helps us in our day-to-day lives to see it that way so that we organise ourselves to meet deadlines and stick to our routines but time is actually cyclic. We have a past, a present and a future that moves from beginning to end like a circle but in a spiral, kind of like a slinky stretched out.
A reaction takes place at one point in time and locked in there and then as time loops back around going past this same spot the same thing repeats again at that point.
You can even complicate matters by having a spattering of emotions attached to this reaction, which then spurn their own moments in time linked to similar issues where you felt the same emotion! Multiply that out time after time and you can start creating some issues in the long term.
If we don’t deal with past emotions, they can present themselves in your life over and over.
It is not impossible to fix though and because time loops giving these cycles of similarity then you can trace the effects on the person in present day back to an original cause.
Why can’t we just work on the issue in the present day, why is looking at the past important?
Visualise a lovely garden with a hose turned on watering the garden.
If you come back to the garden after a time to find the garden flooded and you begin to fix up the plants and empty out some pockets of water here and there and add some more soil, it will look nice for a little bit and then it will become flooded again. You need to turn off the tap so the hose stops flooding the garden. The tap is the source of the problem, the original cause of the effect. The flooded garden is the effect. By only treating the affected parts you will only have so much success until the next time the issue creeps back in.
Once you deal with the original cause you can then go back to the garden and tidy it up the effect more efficiently.
This is a really good way to look at why emotional wellness is a key aspect of any type of healing journey.
Posted by Makensi Caldwell. Makensi is an energetic healer and Holographic Kinetics practitioner. She specialises in helping people to prevent cycles of similarity due to past problems and is an emotional wellness specialist.
Call us on 07 3367 0337 if you’d like to make an appointment with Makensi or anyone on our emotional wellness team.